Thursday, May 7, 2009

It's not Monday again is it?

Wow. It was tough to get going today after having yesterday off. It was like having two Mondays in one week! I was 5 minutes late for duty, Nathan forgot his backpack/homework, and I left my school keys at home! Thank goodness we have Aunt LeeLee across the street to save the day for us!
Nathan had an exciting day at school. The class has been watching two eggs in an incubator and they hatched today. They were the cutest little chicks, Franco and Alex. I was having a crazy day, packed with paperwork and conferences and in the midst of it all, I passed Nathan in the hall with a large ice pack on his head. He said he had fallen backwards out of the swing and landed on his face in the pea gravel. I'm convinced his skull is made of steel!
Jack did not have any big news after school today. They are all excited because the Honey Party is tomorrow. The Honey Party is for kids who have had good behavior all year. I would estimate that about 85% of the kids in the school get to go. Nathan did not get to go 2 years ago and it was very sad...for me and for him. I think that tomorrow's Honey Party will consist of some type of martial arts show. Nathan is not too excited because he said he'd rather be in the show than watch a show.
Carson came home today and announced that he only has 2 more letters to learn and then it will be time for his "gradulations." He's pumped up about it! I hate to break the news to him, but his school is really not having a graduation.
Well, I'm off to bed. Hopefully tomorrow will feel like a Friday instead of a Tuesday!

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