Monday, May 4, 2009

Here goes...

Carson came to me on Friday and said, "Momma, we're going to have a date. I'll wear my mister clothes and you wear your favorite date clothes, and we'll have a date." I thought to myself... I hope I never forget the sweetness and sincerity in his offer.

I've always wanted to keep a journal to jot down our day to day antics, but I have such a hard time keeping up with one...usually one of the boys ends up wanting paper for something and there goes the journal! So, I've started this blog to keep track of all of the little and not so little events of our day to day lives...the things I never never want to forget!

The school year is finally winding down and lately our days are filled with those end of the year type of events. This weekend the boys and I watched the Sheridan High School spring musical, Grease...which of course was directed by Jeremy. The show was wonderful and the boys loved it. All three of them have been singing the songs around the house for the last month. I've referred to them affectionately as "my little Travoltas." Today, Nathan was cracking me up singing "look at me I'm Sandra Dee." Fortunately, they are young enough that they don't understand the suggestive portions of that song...or any of the other songs in Grease.

The next few weeks we will be counting down to the last day of school. I absolutely love having the summer off with Jeremy and the boys. I wish we could live that way year round! When school is out, Carson will be finished with daycare...for good. I always thought I would be so excited when I finally had all three of the boys out of daycare. It is sooooo expensive. But the flip side of that coin is that my babies have all grown into big boys. It's hard. And I'm not as excited as I thought I would be. Don't get me wrong, it will be nice to not have that expense every week. But if I could freeze time right now and have the option of paying daycare forever, just to keep them young, I would do it in a heartbeat.

So, there goes the first blog...hopefully the first of many. I have to admit that this took A LOT longer than I thought it would. I've cleaned two behinds, settled two arguments, ran one tub of bathwater, and cleaned up one cup of spilled milk while trying to type this. But it's done. And hopefully, I've noted a few of the things that I'll be glad to remember one of these days.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree that they grow up too quickly! I can't even TALK about Madeleine going to kindergarden this fall without crying, and last week when we drove her by the school I cried as well.

    Your boys are SO big! I can't believe it! I'm looking forward to being able to keep up with you guys better now. :)
